10 Kasım 2011 Perşembe

Who Discovered UV Rays

Two investigators (A. Downes and TP Blunt) has investigated the interaction between UV rays and the development of microorganisms without the sun's rays as a result of micro-organisms in the process showed üreyememeklerini 1878.

For a long time after the dissolution of DNA research and passwords on the lethal UV-C rays, microorganisms and understood completely neutralized the effects of generating.
Who made ​​the first UV lamp?

Richard Kueche quartzla melt quartz glass in 1890 in the first kişiydi.1904 and still in use today's technology, who led the rays of the sun rays are almost completely identical Hanau was the first quartz lamp. For this reason, these lamps are now known as Original Hanau.

Mercury vapor lamps are low pressure as the development of the synthetic production of UV-C rays and thus have been able to be used as a disinfectant.

Over time, UV rays and discovered a lot more about the application area, getirildi.Her be useful for the industry last year, a new field of application is related to the UV rays and are offered to the market.
On the use of UV and on the road can get all kinds of information and support by experienced staff

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